17 Sept @ 3:20pm I pulled an R.T.A. roadworthy “Road Train” provided by Grants Transport, weighing 62.9 Tonne a distance of 5.2 Mtrs and shortly after pulled the same “Road Train” with an extra trailer attached (Prime Mover with 4 Boagies and dolly system between each trailer) a distance of 1.8 Mtrs.
Pulling a road train a Winton (click image for large size)
Note: We took 5 Mtrs as a minimum course distance so the final pull attempted will be considered unofficial and a work in progress. I will be back to attempt the 4 trailer (78 Tonne) pull to the 5 mtr mark. (Weighbridge cert and surveyors report provided with official eyewitness will be forwarded to Guinness World Records for consideration.)
Straining at the Bit
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