Bayman / Boyer
Hollywood watch out!!! On my very first screen test I landed the character Bayman in the movie “Dead or Alive”!!! Wow what a thrill, I could not believe my luck! After completing V- Managements Advanced diploma in acting I was now packing my bags and flying to China as part of the main cast to shoot the movie on a three month adventure in the exotic Orient.
Nobody knows what it’s like to the Bad Guy!!
There is a certain amount of trepidation when fronting your first movie and you know very little as to how things work!! I’m very grateful to both cast and crew for helping me through the process, especially Holly Valance, she’s a great girl with a big heart who helped me constantly.
Having fun onset with cast Holly, Jamie and Brian
Because D.O.A is a martial arts movie it was important that all the cast were in shape and ready to fight, so we were all put into an intense training program with Kung Fu masters every day until we were able to fight with grace and poise.
On set fight Scene
The entire cast and crew ate together most days, breakfast. lunch and dinner for three months. However, I did manage to break away from this intense gathering to explore the exotic Orient with my personal assistants whenever possible.
Producer Jeremy Bolt with actor Colin Shue (matrix)
They led the way and what an adventure I had!!! Hot, steamy nights in Hengdien eating exotic banquets of mini lobsters, dumplings and drinking local beer with massages to follow. Wild nights in Shanghi, white water rafting in beautiful Guilin province and smoking Cuban cigars in Hong Kong city. I made many friends on an adventure I will never forget.!!!
Downtown Hengdien with p.a.
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