Dead Ball Masterclass
Dead Ball Masterclass is the definitive “how to” book on non symmetrical environment training with Dead Balls.
What this means in layman terms is that when you become aware of how to use Dead Balls effectively, as a non symmetrical training system, you will surpass all other methods of building real world strength. The sort of strength you need on a football field to push opponents away powerfully or at a job site doing those heavy awkward jobs others cringe at, or to dominate any fight you may need to fight. Fact is – possessing real world strength makes you more capable than other men in just about everything.
This ebook is designed for serious athletes who want to excel.
Lose 10kg in 20 day
Find out the secrets that the professionals use to achieve a ripped and functionally strong physique fast!
“Lose 10kg in 20 days” is a results driven 20 day program that incorporates:
- A complete Performance Nutrition plan
- An effective exercise program
- Performance tips and strategies
Designed as a user friendly guide for novices to use to rapidly lose weight and achieve a ripped physiquethat the Po’s would be proud of.
If you are self-motivated, can follow simple directions and need to develop a leaner stronger and healthier body right now – this program is for you.
Designed for Males and Females at any level.
The Art Of Stone Lifting
To Get Massive and Strong is Back in a Big Way!
Training in gyms as we know it has only been around for a little over 100 years! Before this, throughout the ages massive men with incredible strength and ability have become legend.
“Get Massive and Strong by Lifting Stones” is the definitive “How to”book on the ancient principles of using Natural Stone as the sole training stimulus to increase functional strength.
I’ll show you all the secrets to sourcing the right stone, how to use them correctly and safely and importantly I’ll give you a performance 30 day training program using just stone – designed to shock your body into an anabolic growth spurt.
This ebook is the first of its kind and will reinvigorate the concepts of functional strength training as we know it.
Do You Love a Worthy Challenge?
What are your survival skills like?
Could you live on very little? Like $10 worth of groceries for an entire week?
I’ll show you how with a complete no nonsense guide of all the strategies, recipes and training program – “Your Gladiator $10 a week Challenge”
I’ll show you why this challenge is the fastest way to lose unwanted fat and gain lean hard muscle onto your frame in just 7 days.
- Imagine losing up to 2.4kg (5 lbs) of unwanted FAT in just 7 days?
- Imagine putting on 300g to 800g of muscle in just 7 days?